The LyricsTraining app and website…well they do exactly as the name suggests! It’s for language learners to train their listening comprehension in a foreign language using the lyrics from popular music. That part of this LyricsTraining review is obvious. And yes, while you could just go to Spotify and look up lyrics, LyricsTraining has a […]
Speechling Review: conversation-less pronunciation
Need pronunciation help with feedback from a professional, but on your own time? In this Speechling review, I’ll share everything I love about this way to learn a language, and how to know if it’s the right language learning resource for you. Speechling review: languages Right off the bat, Speechling helps learners of a variety […]
LanguagePod101 Review: A+…except for pricing
One of the more popular online resources to learn a language is LanguagePod101 (or JapanesePod101, SpanishPod101, etc.). Should you join the hype? This LanguagePod101 review will help you decide. Learn about how the LanguagePod101 series (under the Innovative Language umbrella), how they teach languages, and whether it can help you achieve your language goals with […]
Mimic Method Review: the BEST for pronunciation
The Mimic Method, developed by Idahosa Ness, is a language learning resource that (at least I think) is way underrated in the online language learning world. It’s totally unlike any other resource, and fills such a huge need that I’m incredibly surprised I don’t see more people talking about it! Struggling to correctly pronounce the […]
Tandem Review
Tandem is one of the fairly popular names in the language learning world for connecting language learners with native speakers of that language. Right from your phone, you can strike up a conversation with somebody who speaks a foreign language, get in practice, and make a friend! In this Tandem review, let’s dive into what […]
Language Transfer Review
Language Transfer is one of those language learning resources that not many people have heard about due to lack of marketing. There’s no marketing for Language Transfer because it is 100% free (and not free with ads like Duolingo…it’s actually free). Not only that, but it’s a totally unique approach to learning to speak a […]
uTalk review: tons of vocab in tons of languages
uTalk is a vocab app that brings languages to us that can be hard to find elsewhere; so whether you’re learning something common like Spanish or not-so-common like Cebuano, uTalk pretty much as you covered. With 140+ languages, there are plenty of options to choose from. But that’s not all you should be thinking about […]
Lingopie Review: the best foreign language subtitles
Lingopie is a platform created by and for language learners who enjoy learning foreign languages by watching TV. The idea behind this Lingopie review is that you’ll be so motivated to keep watching good shows, motivation will be easy peasy. That said, how do you know if Lingopie is the right language learning resource for […]
Babbel Review: textbook, but make it modern
Babbel is a very well-known language learning app that’s been around since 2008. Named after the Tower of Babel (a biblical myth attempting to explain the existence of different languages), Babbel combines educational strategies with real-life conversations to teach users a variety of different languages. In this Babbel review, let’s talk about how Babbel teaches […]
Preply Review: great for student, not for teacher
Preply is an online platform for teachers of a variety of subjects (not just foreign languages) to connect with online students. Specifically, Preply is well-known for offering dirt-cheap lessons, which attracts language learners who want to save a buck or two. Honestly, I’m of the opinion that spending a few extra bucks to support an […]
LingoDeer Review: language learning app for Duolingo haters
LingoDeer is a popular app among learners of Korean, Japanese, and Mandarin, but they’ve been so wildly successful that they’ve expanded to several others! What made it so successful? This LingoDeer review will tackle just that. Continue reading this LingoDeer review to learn everything you need to know about this super popular language app! LingoDeer […]